Monday, August 25, 2008

The most wonderful time of the year...... *sing it with me*

Yep, it is back to school time!!! And an exciting time around our household. Jacob is starting Kindergarten. whoo hoo!! Carlie is in a 5/6 split class and really looking forward to the school year.

It will just be Madeline and me at home. :) Lots of time for crafting!!!!

I have been searching for new and exciting projects to keep me busy this fall. I have my Tuesday night CraftNites and I look forward to that every week! We have a great group of gals who get together. I have some great projects in store for those Tuesday nights.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

After kinda burning out... I'm back!

I'm so sorry it has been so long since my last update. I think I really just got tired of stamping. *gasp* But yeah, I did.

But with the new catalog, I'm recharged and ready for my hostess club to start up again. And I can't wait to place that first order of new stamps!