Let me know what you think. I kinda like it! I kept trying to change the colors that I had up and wasn't completely pleased with it. I think I found one I like. I love love love these colors!
Today I didn't do much. I've had a sinus infection and it is kickin' my behind. Earlier today I was at the computer in the basement and all of a sudden everything was shaking. I thought at first it was the kids running upstairs, then I realized that they wouldn't make concrete move. :) IT WAS AN EARTHQUAKE. The blinds were shaking. It was really an odd feeling to be in the basement during this occurrence.
I plan on stamping tonight. There are a couple challenges I want to try. Sketch Saturday has one and Bombshell has a Valentine's Challenge on PCP.
Also, I have started a group on
PCP for Dog Gone Stamps. Join me! We are just getting it set up, but it will be a fun group. Also be sure to check out
Dog Gone Stamps and all the new images they have been busy putting up on the site. There are a bunch of new ones that I just love! I've been working with the ones I just got recently, while waiting for another order to arrive... *I think I have a problem* *grin!!* This
GUY reminds me of just about all the locals here in Kodiak. If you have ever been down by the docks here, you know what I mean!!!